Macro вспышка»YONGNUO»Flash Yongno YN-24 EX (TTL for Canon)»(new)
Yongnuo YN24EX is a specialist lamp designed for macro photography, equipped with two moving heads that emit strobe light and continuous.
YN24EX offers huge opportunities configuration, so that the lighting can be perfectly adapted to any situation. Mobile lamp heads are connected to the control unit by means of flexible cables with a length of 40-90 cm. This solution can be mounted heads, eg. On two independent tripod mount 1/4 “. The head can also be fastened on the control unit and assumed the ring on the front of the lens, and directing light in the desired direction facilitate moving joints.
Lamp flash supports two modes – manual, and ETTL. In both modes, you can manage simultaneously or separately work both burners. Adjustment of the lamp points bracketing flash intensity, the ratio of burner output, the synchronization for the second curtain.
addition to traditional burners flash Yongnuo YN24EX equipped with the LED light emitting continuous. They can act as the main light (strobe light is not used) or pilot light, facilitating framing and focus.
Built-in PC allows you to trigger the flash through the cable.
Yongnuo YN24EX is powered by four AA batteries , also has a jack for connecting additional external power supply. Terms of the lamp and the contacts are protected from adverse weather conditions rubber seal.

- Система крепежа : Canon EF
- TTL: yes