Фильтр»HOYA»Hoya PRO ND KIT 67mm ( ND8 / ND64 / ND1000 )»(new)

Short profile
Hoya Filter Kit
three high quality ND filters (PRO ND8, PRO ND64 and PRO ND1000)
Recordings with a shallow depth of field - open aperture despite a bright environment
Show people blurred or remove them completely from recordings
creative photography: create motion blur (clouds, waterfalls ...)
high quality clear optical HOYA glass
Product description for Hoya neutral density filter PRO ND KIT (8/64/1000)
is a high-quality set of important filters that has been put together for demanding amateur and professional photographers and filmmakers. It consists of three high-quality ND filters (PRO ND8, PRO ND64 and PRO ND1000), which enable the photographer to control the light and the resulting recording results down to the smallest detail. In recent years, long exposure photography has become a hugely popular genre because of the abundant opportunities it offers to portray the world in an artistic and unusual way. ND filters are the necessary tool for this.
Three filters, three possible uses
Shooting with shallow depth of field - open aperture despite bright surroundings
Show people blurred or remove them completely from recordings
Creative photography: create motion blur (clouds, waterfalls ...)
HOYA offers a wide range of ND filters for this purpose.
Ten models with different densities from ND2 to ND10000 are available to meet the needs of every photographer and filmmaker. But which ND filter is ideal to start with? This question should also interest many amateur photographers who have decided to approach the exciting field of long exposures. With this in mind, HOYA has now developed an indispensable ND kit that will help photographers overcome this challenge quickly.
The PRO ND filters use the highest quality, clear optical HOYA glass, which is provided with a metallic coating on the front and back. This means that almost all areas of the light spectrum - also in the IR range - can be uniformly reduced. The ACCU-ND technology used in the coating process also ensures a really neutral color balance without color distortions.
The choice of ND filter depends on what shutter speed the photographer or filmmaker wants to use. The content of the HOYA PROND FILTER KIT is based on the experience of millions of ND filters sold worldwide. Experience has shown that the PRO ND8, PRO ND64 and PRO ND1000 models are the most important ND filters in the HOYA range. They help photographers and filmmakers to ideally implement their creative ideas.
PRO ND8 (3-stage)
The HOYA PROND8 is predestined for recordings in bright surroundings with a large aperture (e.g. F1.2 etc.) The filter is therefore ideal for portraits that are to be recorded with a shallow depth of field and beautiful bokeh. The subject appears sharp and clear against the softly blurred background. Other recommended usage scenarios are night photography, fireworks and lightning.
PRO ND64 (6-stage)
With the HOYA PRO ND64 filter, people or moving objects can be depicted in blurred movements, which cannot be achieved with the camera settings alone. For example, if you are visiting a popular tourist attraction, a busy street or even a pedestrian zone, it can be difficult to take photos there without other people walking through the picture. It is also problematic to admit people without their consent. Using long exposure and PRO ND64 filters, people can be blurred or removed entirely. The filter is ideal for landscape shots, snapshots in the city, video recordings and many other photographic genres.
PRO ND1000 (10-stage)
The HOYA PRO ND1000 filter causes a 10-stage reduction in the amount of light. It can be used to smooth waterfalls and water surfaces, make clouds blurred, take architectural photos without people walking through the picture and much more. With the PRO ND1000 filter, you can expose for a full 8 seconds instead of 1/8 sec - and the image is still not overexposed.
HOYA PRO ND filters for filmmakers
ND filters are an indispensable tool for demanding film recordings. For example, when shooting with flat picture profiles, the ISO setting cannot be below ISO 800. For example, Sony cameras in S-Log mode automatically set the ISO value to 800, which is much too bright for outdoor photos without an ND filter and produces overexposed photos. ND filters bring exposure to the right level. To get natural movements in the picture, it is recommended to adjust the shutter speed to the picture / frame setting. During the day, PRO ND8, PRO ND64, PRO ND1000 or their combination (such as PRO ND8 + PRO ND64) would be necessary to achieve an optimal display.
Combinations of HOYA PRO ND filters
Choosing the right ND filters depends on the photographer's intentions to achieve the desired effect in the image. In the event that the effect of using a single ND filter does not correspond to the photographer's idea, a combination of PRO ND filters can also be useful. The combination of PRO ND8 and PRO ND64 results in the effect that corresponds to the ND500 filter. The combination of PRO ND8 and PRO ND1000 results in the effect of ND8000. This makes it possible to see the sun in full color without overexposure and with black spots visible

- Цвет: black
- Тип фильтра: ND1000
- Диаметр mm.: 67
- Гарантия: 12