вспышка»Fujifilm»FUJIFILM EF-X8 Shoe mount flash»(new)
Compatible with select FUJIFILM X Series cameras, the EF-X8 Flash is a sleek and portable shoe-mounted flash featuring a guide number of 26.2' at ISO 100. It is compatible with FUJIFILM's TTL system for automatic exposure control, and also supports manual power control from 1/1 to 1/64 power with adjustment handled through the camera's menu system. It can also function as a commander to trigger remote synced flashes and it supports slow sync TTL settings for creative versatility. Complementing its compact design, the flash is also powered through the camera body for simple use.

Compatible Cameras
- Система крепежа : Fujifilm-X
- Цвет: black
- TTL: yes
- Ведущее число: 26
- Авто-зум: yes
- Световая температура: 5600K
- Наклон головы: yes
- Чехол: yes
- Для модели:: X-H1
- Беспроводное управление: yes
- Размер см.: 39.7 x 24.2 x 63.4 mm
- Вес ( гр. ): 41